Video UX

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Yes, you can apply a similar UX design process to video and video analytics research.

The principles of UX, such as understanding user needs, testing, and iterating, are highly adaptable.

Here's how the process might align:

Research & Discovery: Similar to UX, you start by gathering data on audience behavior, preferences, and pain points using tools like YouTube Analytics, Google Trends, or social media insights.

Personas & User Journeys: Instead of traditional personas, you can develop "viewer personas" based on demographics, watch time, interests, and interaction patterns. Could you map out their video consumption journey?

Prototyping Content: Just as you'd prototype a product, you can experiment with content types, lengths, and styles by testing videos in smaller segments to see what resonates with viewers.

Usability Testing: In video terms, this would mean A/B testing thumbnails, titles, formats, and calls to action to optimize engagement and retention.

Iteration & Feedback: Use analytics to iteratively refine content strategies based on watch time, drop-off points, comments, and likes/dislikes.

As for terminology, the concept of "Data-Driven Content Strategy" or "Video UX" could fit this approach. You’re essentially applying UX principles to optimize video content based on user interaction and engagement data.

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